Once you have informed Schoolzine that you wish for the new website to be made live, you will be sent the Content sign off form. This form must be completed and returned for the live process to begin. In this form, you will notify us of the domain (URL/web address) that you are wanting the website to appear on.
From here Schoolzine will setup our servers to accept your provided domain name. Please allow up to one business day for this step. You will then be supplied with Schoolzine’s IP address. You or your IT team will need to log into your domain manager and setup two A records pointing to the Schoolzine IP address. Schoolzine does not take control of your domain during this process. Your domain will now direct to the new Schoolzine website. This may take up to 24 hours to propagate across all computers. Once you are able to view the Schoolzine website from your domain, please notify us by sending an email to [email protected]
Lastly, we will need to setup an SSL certificate for your website. This step is completed by Schoolzine and requires no further action from you. You may receive a security warning when attempting to access your website prior to the SSL certificate being setup. This is a temporary message and will only display until the SSL certificate has been applied. Please allow for a two business day turnaround for the certificate to be setup.
What is a Domain?
A domain is the URL or website address used to access your website. For example, Schoolzine’s domain is: www.schoolzine.com
There are three possibilities for who has control over where your domain is being directed: Your school IT team, your Education department or a third party from where the domain was purchased. Schoolzine does not take control or setup new domains for schools.
Who is hosting my website?
Once your website has been made live (your Schoolzine website is appearing on your domain), Schoolzine will be hosting your website. This will mean that unless you have a website on another domain or are hosting other resources such as email hosting, you will no longer need to keep your previous hosting.
What is an SSL Certificate?
An SSL certificate keeps your personal information such as email address, passwords and credit card numbers private when sending them over the internet. It is the first line of defence when hackers attempt to access your personal information. Websites with an active SSL Certificate will start with HTTPS. Once your website is set up with an active SSL Certificate, you will be able to confirm this by clicking the padlock icon beside the website URL (web address).